1st Stretch Goal Reached
The Herald of the 8th Tower bids you welcome.

So 1st Stretch Goal is here, and what a Stretch Goal this is!
Each box of regular troops will get not one, but two extra miniatures in relation to what was the initial content. Yes you read right, that is TWO extra minis. This means that if you had purchased a box of eg Orc Swordsmen with three miniatures included, you will now receive five of them! No action is required from you, we will auto-upgrade each and every regular troop box to the new size of it.
As a disclaimer, we remind you that this extra content will be applicable only for the duration of this KS campaign, as a way of us saying a big “thank you” for supporting our dream come true. In future iterations of the miniature lines, they will include the initial number of minis.
So now is the time to get all the regular troops boxes you ‘ll need and then some!
Till the next SG, stay strong and remember: Your Liege Counts on You.
Kickstarter: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/chronopia/chronopia/
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