The sound of bagpipes from the caverns bellow is filling the air. The synchronized beat of boots striking the ground at the same moment creates small quakes, as the Dwarves march on the field of battle. And at the head of this formation, stands atop his ceremonial shield the Manx Skull Champion, the leader of the war effort.
Beared on the shoulders of his trusty shield-beariers, this supreme warrior-leader smites ranks of his enemies with his clawed halberd. Simultaneously, he gains the ability to stand high over the friendly ranks, becoming better able to command his forces and riposte the enemy’s movements.
As our next Stretch Goal at 48K, you will be able to incorporate this alternate, masterfully crafted version of this miniature to your Dwarven forces. With him you will be able to better command your armies, and further the goal of your Overlord of the Horned One Clan. So, keep spreading the world that after the Wilding, the Dwarves are reclaiming their rightful place on the world, and keep pledging!

The next Stretch Goal is a Dice Tray with Chronopia Logo. Dice Tray with Faction Logo find under Add-Ons in the Pledge Manager.
