This will only be a brief update – more of a “sign of life” than a project update (which will follow more regularly from now on again).
Since about September I was pretty much out of order, due to a very high stress level around the SPIEL fair and other events after that.
That resulted in some physical health issues and burn-out which made it almost impossible for me to function properly.
Since I’m the bottleneck for the Chronopia project, this resulted in delays and obviously also in unsatisfactory communication here.
The team now is working on assuring this won’t happen again and of course also on moving on with Chronopia faster. More on this in a future update in detail very soon!
My sincere apologies for the lack of communication in the last two to three month – we will do better in the future again, starting now.
Last but not least – I want to show you some new painted Firstborn miniatures, as well as a preview for the unit cards (which still need to be approved, so there might still be changes).
Link: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/chronopia/chronopia/posts/3682299